Follow my own personal Top Tips for a successful wedding  day to remember forever.

  • Go & look around venues, meet vicars & get a feel for the place.
  • When getting your wedding dress altered, make sure you can sit in it before they make the dress smaller.
  • Shoes can be expensive, so if you & your bridesmaids are wearing long dresses, who is going to see your shoes? If you want to bring the cost down, buy last season’s trend or visit a high street store.
  • It’s always a good idea to wear in new shoes, to avoid blisters. Wear your wedding shoes around the house with socks for a few days in advance of the ceremony.
  • On your RSVP invitations, you could put a line for a requested song. This way you will know what your guests want to hear & it might get them all up on the dancefloor.
  • Have your engagement ring cleaned before your wedding day.
  • When tying your rings to the ring pillow, a simple bow will suffice, so you avoid knots.
  • Create a #hashtag for guests to use at the wedding to upload & tag all your pictures.
  • Photography recommends not to wear a bra the morning of your wedding. It will leave marks on your back & shoulders that will be visible in pictures.
  • When confetti lands on you, be sure to brush it off fairly quickly, as if you get hot the natural colourings can leak out & permanently stain your dress.
  • Treat yourself to a new perfume, it’s a great way to capture the day’s memories. Everytime you smell that fragrance, your mind will go back to that special day.
  • Buy 2 garters. The tossing of the garter is an old tradition that is said to bring luck to whoever catches it. Since garters are more of a keepsake these days then a wear & toss item, why not buy 2 garters, one to keep & one to toss.
  • Take a few moments at your top table to simply observe your family & friends. It might just be one of your favourite parts of your wedding.
  • The easiest way to pee in a wedding dress is to sit on the toilet backwards, facing the wall.

Remember it’s your wedding not anybody else’s. Be kind, but don’t try to please everyone.